Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Prayer Request

Well we went to the midwife today, which I always enjoy doing. It makes for a nice little day trip cause we get to go to Austin and sometimes we do something after we visit with her. The girls love going to these appointments and hearing the baby's heart beat and chatting Ms. Laurie's ear off. I love going and chatting Ms. Laurie's ear off!
I am 6 weeks away from the due date and the baby is still head up it seems. I had suspicions that that was the case, but what do I know!--turns out I might know something!
So Laurie, our midwife wants us to go get an ultra sound to find out for sure if it is or isn't breech. We don't even know for sure that there is something to be concerned about yet.
This pregnancy for me has been a constant test of me just trusting, and I am ashamed to say I have failed the test I think. I have spent a lot of this pregnancy being anxious at least under the surface. If any little thing arose, I became anxious, and yes each time I exerted much effort to choose to trust in the Lord, but yet the next test arrived and I would face it once again with anxiety. SO this is no different, and although my good friend Dr. Deb assured me that there is every likelihood that this baby will turn on its own by the time the day arrives, our plan for home birth has to take this into serious consideration and prayer.
I would love all of you to pray with me for this baby to be head down when we do get an ultra sound, and if it isn't that it would turn.
I would also ask that you all be supportive in prayer and words what ever we feel comfortable doing as the birth of this baby draws closer. I am sitting here debating whether or not to even post because I am afraid of having to be on the defence of what decision we may make. Of course I know you all love us and any concerns you express would be with the best intentions, but you understand right!? I did hours in the library researching before Annelise was born at home, and of course will be just as educated in this instance. But the most important thing to me is that what ever decision be made based out of trust and not out of fear.
So all that to say: pray for this baby to "turn, turn, turn"--get it?!!
Kevin put this song on today and said it was for the baby, so we all laughed and danced in our pajamas--- well the girls were in theirs!

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