Monday, March 23, 2009

Things To Come...

I really enjoy spring time. After fall, spring is my favorite season! Partly because we might have a few days of pleasant weather before the inevitable 4 month long heat wave called summer here in central Texas, and partly because of the promise of things to come!!
We have a garden so spring just screams new life to me, and sinse we live in Texas we have been able to enjoy the fruits of our labor through winter here.
See thIs worn out broccoli!

We didnt even collect the last of it florets and it will give us more I am sure.

The spinach the girls have been enjoying, in fact, for lunch today!
Now on to the promise of things to come!
Here we have beautiful blossoms that will be growing into peaches! We are very excited because there are lots of blooms!!
Arent they so pretty and delicate looking!
This is my Valentines day present:
Lemon trees! I drink lemon water all day long. I lurve it!
And I love the smell of lemons...breathing in, breathing out...imagining the smell...mmm.
Thirst is overcomming me!!

These little buds are the beggining of lemons....YAY!

Now we finally have some strawberries growing. This has been a two year process of getting one or two random little bitty strawberries that we always have to cut in half ( we must share you know!)...ugh. But these are looking promising!We also have blue berry and black berry planted. We will see how they do! We planted some grapes along the fence so I am really excited to see how that goes!

The veggies are just in the beggininnig phases but here is some corn we planted, We just planted a little and then we will plant more later so it will last us longer!Here is our surprise! We put the pumpkins we carved for halloween out to watch them decompose.
It was very intersting to our girls. We put them in the empty planter we hadn't used last summer. Well guess what we have growing!!??
Pumpkin! What a neat lesson for the girls to learn: that ultimatEly death leads to life!

Hmmm... all of creation does point to heaven doesn't it!?

So as we prepare for the commemoration of our Saviors death and then resurection, all I have to do is look outside to be reminded of the promise of things to come!


Jen said...

Ooh your garden looks amazing...I'd love to be able to do that one day!

Familyoffoxes said...

well honestly, It's not that pretty, but food grows! And it almost all the work of my sweet hubby. I call it his therapy! ;)
I just get to reap the benefits!