Thursday, March 5, 2009

"A" Wrote A Story

"A" drew a picture and then asked me to write down her story. So this is what she said word for word!

Once upon a time, there were two little birds sitting in a tree. One was a big one, one was a little one.There was a little girl named Marrissa who loved birds. She loved big ones, little ones, pretty ones, all kinds of birds. She had a brother named Sam.

One day Marrissa called her parents. She said, "Mom! Dad! Come look at these pretty birds I found!" So Marrissa's parents and her brother came outside and looked at the tree but didn't see the birds. So Marrissa said, "Look kind of to the left and then to the left." And then her parents finally saw the pretty birds.

Sam still couldn't see them. So Marrissa said to her brother, " Look kind of to the left and then to the right!" And then Sam SAW THE BIRDS!

He said, "Sister, come see what I did! I put them in a box for you!" So Marrissa's parents bought her a big, pretty cage for the birds.

They moved the birds out of the box into the cage. They gave them food, water and lots of love.The family lived happily ever after with their pet birds.

The End

I did no prompting except for the birds in the cage thing. I asked her if the birds would be sad to be in a cage and she replied that Marrissa would be sad to let them go. I told her Marrissa could look at them every time she went outside to play...but apparently that wasn't good enough cause she ignored my prompting and continued with the story as she imagined it!

Also we don't know a Marrissa or a Sam.

And the picture she drew is soo cute. It even has a family dog, a squirrel in the tree and and the brother is sticking out his tongue (how does she know that's what brothers do!)and there is an airplane flying over the parents that she is disappointed with. She asked that I teach her how to draw airplanes!...

I know I am her mother and therefore think everything she does is stupendous so bear with me!!


Jen said...

Creative Gal!

Anonymous said...

I agree, and I am not her mommy...stupendous! : )