Well, "A" is now 5 years old and I just can not believe it!! She is so big and has been so excited for her birthday to come AND she is thrilled that it is close to Christmas. She loves the story of Baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph. She loves to be Mary with a baby in her tummy and to rock baby Jesus. She could play the nativity all day long. SO, she asked to have a Nativity Birthday! So our guests were invited to come dressed as their favorite Nativity Character. Of course sinse no boys were able to attend we had a bunch of Marys with their own baby Jesus's!
We read the christmas story which most of the girls knew by heart and I think they were frankly a little bored.
Kevin took the children on "donkey rides" in the wagon with a donkey head taped on!
Then we followed the star (little hints written on stars that led them thru the house and into the Kitchen) to the Baby Jesus cake.It was very low key and I was so glad! Although Annelise told me "Mommy, We never acted out the Nativity story!!" I told her it was 'cause we had all Mary's!
Annelise is my Beautiful, Intuitive, High Needs, High Empathy Daughter who I am so proud to parent! Happy Birthday My First Born!!!Thank you Lord for entrusting her to me!
What a great idea!!!! I love that! My youngest has a birthday near Chritstmas. I will have to rememebr that for a Birthday party idea! You are so creative!
Danyel, it was actually all Annelise's idea! She is IN LOVE with the story of Mary and baby Jesus. I think that is is the only story that you read that is all about a mommy having a baby--and she is all about being a mommy!! Merry Christmas Danyel!
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